March in the North
March seems to be going quickly, and actually I have no more formal classes until Mar 27. This week we are doing cultural activities with the whole school where they will learn skills such as skinning a seal, sewing (which is a skill that is valued in both men and women), cod fishing, snowmobile maintenance, cooking traditional meals, etc. The week starts with a community breakfast at the school tomorrow morning, so I have to be there by 7:00 to flip pancakes. The following week we will do a four day camping trip with the high school students at a spot about 50km away by snowmobile. We were supposed to go in mid April, but the spring seems to be coming more quickly than usual and the locals were afraid there wouldn't be enough snow for the snowmobiles if we waited.
Friday night we had a pot luck supper in my apartment because it was Leah's birthday. (She's the grade 2-3 teacher.) There were 17 adults and two kids present, and we had a great time. It sure helps to break up the winter. Today I went on a fairly long snowmobile excursion back to the cabin where I spent the week two weeks ago. It was Eliyah's 65th birthday and I was pleased to be invited to go. I found my way down by myself, and then came back with the family. It was for such trips that I brought the machine to the north. I've included two pics from my trip today.I've also included a pic of the cat I've been sitting for Carol an RCMP officer who is on holidays. I only have the cat for a week and then the supply officer will take her. She's a nice cat and I wouldn't mind keeping her until I leave.